Changing the face of Peruvian Healthcare

Peru is a third world country, and although it has a medical system in place, Peru lacks the knowledge and resources to function at it's full potential. 40% of the country lives in poverty and it is the upper class who really gets the limited care that the government can offer.

In May 2012, I will be travelling to Peru to help establish medical centres, help doctors with their common practices, help people learn basic first aid (so to an extent they can take care of themselves) and help out with a UN-initiated campaign to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS. I'll be down in Peru for about a month. I'm going through a well-known organization called Nexos Voluntarios ( In total, my trip will be about $5000. ...And here's where the fundraising comes in.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Paper Jewellery

Hola !

I have just came back from another successful night of fundraising, and am thus in an extraordinary mood. I set a record last Thursday: I made $150 in just over an hour!

I have now fundraised just over $800 for my cause. I must say, it is very satisfying to know that my hard work is getting me somewhere. Thus far, all my money towards my trip has come from myself (through various jobs), or you, my sponsors! I want to continue this pattern and by the end, I want to say that I did this all without a single penny from my parents.

As far as my paper jewellery is concerned, I've now created a small collection of items! I will post pictures below. Any advice/questions/comments are welcome! I am in the process of approaching stores and requesting them to sell my wares. If you are interested in purchasing something (and/or requesting a certain colour scheme/pattern), feel free to email me.


This necklace is made of two kinds of paper and beads. Took about 5hrs to make.

Please forgive the fact that these next two pictures are sideways.
This bracelet is not only handmade, but the beads on it are too! In total, about 3hrs work.

Once again, all handmade! Took about 4hrs.

I will post more pictures as I make them. For the meantime, these images should give a general feel of what to expect from me! I hope you enjoy them, and again, any comments/questions are welcome!

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