Changing the face of Peruvian Healthcare

Peru is a third world country, and although it has a medical system in place, Peru lacks the knowledge and resources to function at it's full potential. 40% of the country lives in poverty and it is the upper class who really gets the limited care that the government can offer.

In May 2012, I will be travelling to Peru to help establish medical centres, help doctors with their common practices, help people learn basic first aid (so to an extent they can take care of themselves) and help out with a UN-initiated campaign to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS. I'll be down in Peru for about a month. I'm going through a well-known organization called Nexos Voluntarios ( In total, my trip will be about $5000. ...And here's where the fundraising comes in.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Begins

So I did some research and it turns out that I am allowed to sell all my homemade paper jewelry at Tamtams (Parc Mont Royal) each Sunday!

Come out to support Peruvian Health Care!
Even if you don't buy anything, come on by and say hello! I should be there all day :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer is HERE.

Summer is here and I'm more than ready to spend the entire time fundraising. Last summer, I raised $1500 in a few months, and I'm ready to beat my record this summer.

Some more door-to-door to follow. As well, I already have a lineup of lovely fundraisers for the fall school year.

Ready for it? Watch me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


And the surveys have been completed! Two testing days and 32 people later, I have a box full of completed surveys. The surveys will be shipped back to ETS Canada in the next few days.

I want to give a big thank you to everyone who helped me and completed a survey! I know all you arts kids hate me now, but I want you to know that I really appreciate all your help and even if you hate me, I will love you forever.

More updates to come.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More than a lot to say.

Hola mis amigos!

I have more than a lot to report!

I have a new fundraiser coming up in the next 2 weeks! I have been contacted by a survey company (Educational Testing Service Canada, Inc.) to conduct several reading comprehension-esque surveys to Native French and Native English speakers. If you are interested in writing the test, let me know because I am interested in having you take it!! The test will take place on Friday, February 4th, at 5:30pm, in Schulich Library (McGill University). A second test (for those who cannot make the first) will be happening as well, but the date has yet to be set. I am looking for more Native French speakers, so if you grew up speaking French, I want you!!

Furthermore! Due to some unforeseen problems with schoolwork/courses, I am obligated to postpone my trip until the summer of 2012. This being the case, however, I am hoping I can use this to my advantage by fundraising enough money to spend a longer period of time down there.

Before I head off, I want to give a big shout out to all of those people who are helping me conduct the survey! You guys are super awesome, and thanks so much for your help and support :) It means a lot and helps so much!!
