Changing the face of Peruvian Healthcare

Peru is a third world country, and although it has a medical system in place, Peru lacks the knowledge and resources to function at it's full potential. 40% of the country lives in poverty and it is the upper class who really gets the limited care that the government can offer.

In May 2012, I will be travelling to Peru to help establish medical centres, help doctors with their common practices, help people learn basic first aid (so to an extent they can take care of themselves) and help out with a UN-initiated campaign to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS. I'll be down in Peru for about a month. I'm going through a well-known organization called Nexos Voluntarios ( In total, my trip will be about $5000. ...And here's where the fundraising comes in.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting the Ball Rolling

Hello Again!

So just a bit of an update: fundraising is going well! I went out tonight and returned an hour later with $75. Hooray!

To mix things up a bit, I'm trying to impliment other ways of fundraising. I am skilled with my hands, so I thought making something artistic and trying to sell it. I think it would work well. I am in the process of making many, many forms of paper jewelry (it's really cool, I promise!), and selling them, own my own and hopefully through local businesses as well. When I have more completed, I will be sure to take pictures and post them on here. Further, if anyone knows of any great places to sell something like this, please let me know!

As for other ideas, a bake sale would be an awesome way to fundraise, except I think I will wait til the school year starts again and so I can feed all those hungry university students (I'll try to set up something at the "Y" intersection on McGill campus....anyone willing to help sell or bake will have my eternal thanks!). I plan on writing letters to varioius businesses, requesting donations. I would also like to request (from large stores like Sobeys) to set up a table at the front doors where I can hit up people there. Hopefully I will start approaching these stores this upcoming weekend.

That's all for now! Thanks again for all your continuing support!